Start menu in Unity - unity ui
How to make Start menu in Unity - unity ui
- Add play button .
- Add Setting button .
- Add sound button Controller .
- Add Quit button .
- Add Help button .
- Add Share button .
- Add More Game Button .
- first thing to do is designing your menu for The Home Scene .
- create a new gameObgect ,name it " MainMenuController "
- add a new script to the gameObgect MainMenuController and name it " MainMenuController "
- This script MainMenuController .cs control the main menu buttons and animations of The Home Scene .
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class MainMenuController : MonoBehaviour {
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
- we get the ref to our setting button animator and we have serialized field because the variable is private and we want to access it from inspector :
private Animator settingButtonAnim;
- this bool tell wheater the buttons setting button holder are hidden or not .
private bool hidden;
- this prevent the user from touching the setting button when the setting button animation is playing .
private bool canTouchSettingButtons;
- ref to music button and its sprite .
private Button musicBtn;
private Sprite[] musicBtnSprite;
private AudioSource clickSound;
- at start we check the music status and the assign the sprite to the music button and vol to game .
// Use this for initialization
void Start ()
//at start we check the music status and the assign the sprite to the music button and vol to game
if (GameManager.singleton.isMusicOn)
AudioListener.volume = 1;
musicBtn.image.sprite = musicBtnSprite[1];
AudioListener.volume = 0;
musicBtn.image.sprite = musicBtnSprite[0];
clickSound = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
//at start we want this bool to be true
canTouchSettingButtons = true;
hidden = true;
- in Update() is check if button is click and if yes then we play slideIn animation and wait for 1.2 sec and the we again make the button interactable .
//this is used to control the animation of setting button
IEnumerator DisableWhilePlayingSettingAnim()
//is check if button is click
if (canTouchSettingButtons)
//we check if the buttons are hidden
if (hidden)
//if yes then we play slideIn animation and wait for 1.2 sec and the we again make the button interactable
canTouchSettingButtons = false;
hidden = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.2f);
canTouchSettingButtons = true;
canTouchSettingButtons = false;
hidden = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1.2f);
canTouchSettingButtons = true;
- The method which we will assign to setting button . when setting button is clicked we start out coroutine .
public void SettingBtn()
//when setting button is clicked we start out coroutine
- The method which we will assign to play button .
public void PlayButton()
//Application.LoadLevel("ModeSelector"); // if you are using unity below 5.3 version
SceneManager.LoadScene("ModeSelector");//use this for 5.3 version
- The method which we will assign to Quit Button :
public void QuitButton()
- The method which we will assign to music button :
public void MusicButton()
//it check the music status wheather its on of not and when we click the button it make is on or off respectively
if (GameManager.singleton.isMusicOn)
AudioListener.volume = 0;
musicBtn.image.sprite = musicBtnSprite[0];
GameManager.singleton.isMusicOn = false;
AudioListener.volume = 1;
musicBtn.image.sprite = musicBtnSprite[1];
GameManager.singleton.isMusicOn = true;
- The method which we will assign to more games button :
public void MoreGameButton()
//here you can provide link of your other games
- The method which we will assign to info button
public void InfoButton()
{//this is to provide the info on how to play game
- method which we will assign to rate button :
public void RateButton()
//here provide the link of your game so player can rate it
- To know how to make Share Button click here
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