How to Add a test device to Admob


How to Add a test device to Admob

How to Add a test device to Admob

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar.
  3. Click the Test devices tab.
  4. Click Add test device.  
  5. Select the platform of your device.
  6. Enter a device name. Consider using a name that will help you quickly identify your devices in your AdMob account.
  7. Enter your Advertising ID/IDFA. Learn how to find your advertising ID/IDFA
  8. Select a gesture to use to activate ad inspector:
    1. None. If you select none, you can still activate ad inspector with an API call.
    2. Shake 
    3. Flick twice  
  9. Click Save. 
How to Add a test device to Admob

How to Add a test device to Admob

How to Add a test device to Admob

How to Add a test device to Admob

How to Add a test device to Admob
admob test ads how to get test device id for admob android compte admob ad failed to load : 3 ca-app-pub-3940256099942544~3347511713 app id admob test admob banner admob unity
