PLayer Movement Controller - First Person - Third Person - Unity 3D - Pc - Mobile


 PLayer Movement Controller - First Person - Third Person - Unity 3D - Pc - Mobile

Make PLayer Movement Controller for First Person & Third Person in Unity 3D for Pc & Mobile in The same project one time plus a professional cinemachine settings for free ,You don't need to create player animation or write a line of script .

yes you can get it now for free by using  

Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller and Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller .

Starter Assets are designed to work as a quick start into prototyping and developing character controllers for various game genres, using systems and methods that are easy to build and expand upon for different projects.

Important note:

  • The Starter Assets packages are compatible with Unity 2020.3 LTS.
  • The First/Third Person Starter Assets packages require the Input System and Cinemachine packages to work. The packages will automatically install when you import a Starter Assets package into your project.

1 - Starter Assets - Third Person Character Controller

The Starter Assets - Third Person Controller package includes:

  • A Third Person Armature character controller, fully rigged and animated using a Humanoid rig

  • A Third Person Capsule character controller
  • Playground Scene and level prototyping Prefabs
  • Triplanar shaders for quick prototyping (Built-in + ShaderGraph for URP/HDRP)
  • UI Canvas overlays for mobile (Joystick and Touch Zone)

Get started

  • After downloading and importing the package into your project, you can load the sample Scene (called Playground) under: Assets/StarterAssets/ThirdPersonController/Scenes
  • Also check out the full package documentation and license terms (Readme.asset, StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf and license.txt) under Assets/StarterAssets.

The Starter Assets are using the built-in CharacterController component.

The default project is using the Built-in Render Pipeline, but can be upgraded to URP or HDRP through the standard upgrade path.

Starter Assets include First and Third Person Character controllers built in a modular way as a solid foundation for any game genre.

Download Starter Assets - Third Person Controller package from Here

Starter Assets - First Person Character Controller

The Starter Assets - First Person Controller package includes:

  • A First Person character controller
  • Playground Scene and level prototyping Prefabs
  • Triplanar shaders for quick prototyping (Built-in + ShaderGraph for URP/HDRP)
  • UI Canvas overlays for mobile (Joystick and Touch Zone)

Get started

  • After downloading and importing the package into your project, you can load the sample Scene (called Playground) under: Assets/StarterAssets/FirstPersonController/Scenes
  • Also check out the full package documentation and license terms (Readme.asset, StarterAssets_Documentation.pdf and license.txt) under Assets/StarterAssets.

The Starter Assets are using the built-in CharacterController component.

The default project is using the Built-in Render Pipeline, but can be upgraded to URP or HDRP through the standard upgrade path.

Starter Assets include First and Third Person Character controllers built in a modular way as a solid foundation for any game genre.

Download Starter Assets - First Person Controller package from Here

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