How to change Text Color by Script | Unity
How to change Text Color by Script in Unity
in this Tutorial i will show you how to change color of a text via script in unity engine , change color on Start or By Button.
In Unity editor :
- create a new text , and add a new script to the text , name it like you want
- open the script
In Script :
- add a new library
using UnityEngine.UI;
- Add variable of the Text :
public Text myText;
- to change the color of the text you have to use this line :
myText.color =;
How to change color in Start :
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
public void ChangeTextColor()
myText.color =;
How To change color by Button
watch the video below and follow the steps.
unity change text color on hover
unity color text
unity change color in script
change gameobject color unity c#
unity change ui text via script
change color textmeshpro
unity change material color
unity change canvas text in script
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