Creating short dynamic link

Creating short dynamic link

To export a Unity project as a package, follow these steps:

  1. In the Unity Editor, go to the "Assets" menu and select "Export Package".
  2. In the Export Package dialog, select the assets you want to include in the package. You can choose to include all assets or only specific ones.
  3. Click the "Export" button to save the package to a location of your choice on your computer.
  4. The package will be saved as a .unitypackage file, which can be imported into another Unity project.

Alternatively, you can also use the Package Manager window to create and export packages. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In the Unity Editor, go to the "Window" menu and select "Package Manager".
  2. In the Package Manager window, click the "+" button in the top left corner and select "Create Package".
  3. In the Create Package window, give your package a name and a description, and then select the assets you want to include in the package.
  4. Click the "Create" button to create the package.
  5. To export the package, click the "Export" button in the top right corner of the Package Manager window.
  6. In the Export Package dialog, select the package you want to export and click the "Export" button to save it to a location of your choice on your computer.