How to disable lens flares for a specific camera in unity

How to disable lens flares for a specific camera in unity

To disable lens flares for a specific camera in Unity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Unity project and navigate to the camera that you want to disable lens flares for.
  2. In the Inspector panel, scroll down to the "Lens Flare" section.
  3. Uncheck the "Flare Strength" box to disable lens flares for this camera.

Alternatively, you can disable lens flares for all cameras in the project by going to Edit > Project Settings > Graphics and unchecking the "Lens Flare" box in the "Global User Flags" section. This will disable lens flares for all cameras in the project.

How to use Lens flares for a camera in unity

To add lens flares to a camera in Unity, follow these steps:

  1. Select the camera game object in the hierarchy panel.
  2. In the Inspector panel, click on the "Add Component" button.
  3. In the search bar, type "Lens Flare."
  4. Click on the "Lens Flare" option to add it to the camera.
  5. In the Inspector panel, you can adjust the properties of the lens flare such as the color, intensity, and size.
  6. To add a flare texture, click on the "Flare Texture" dropdown and select a texture from the list or drag and drop a texture into the field.
  7. To customize the flare shape, click on the "Custom Flare" checkbox and adjust the positions of the flare elements in the Flare Element List.
  8. You can also adjust the brightness and color of each element in the list.
  9. To see the lens flares in action, click on the "Play" button in the Unity editor.