Netcode for GameObjects : check the function that a player sends
In order to check the function that a player sends in a game, you will need to set up a system to receive and process the function calls or messages sent by the player. This can be done using a network library or framework such as Unity's built-in networking system, or a third-party solution such as Photon or Unreal Engine's networking system.
Here is an example of how you might set up a system to receive and process function calls in Unity using the built-in networking system:
Create a script that will be attached to the GameObject that you want to be able to receive function calls. This script should have a function that will be called to process the function calls or messages sent by the player.
Add a NetworkBehaviour component to the GameObject, and check the "Server" box in the Inspector window. This will make the GameObject a "server" object, which means it will be able to receive and process function calls from other objects on the network.
In the script attached to the GameObject, use the [Command] attribute to mark the function that will be called to process the function calls or messages sent by the player. For example:
- To call the function from another GameObject, use the [ClientRpc] attribute to mark a function that will be called on the client side to send the function call to the server. For example:
- When the SendFunctionCall function is called on the client side, it will send a message to the server containing the function name and arguments. The server will then call the ProcessFunctionCall function on the GameObject, which will process the function call and perform any necessary actions.
It is important to note that this is just one way to set up a system to receive and process function calls in a networked game. There are many other approaches and frameworks that you can use, depending on your specific needs and requirements.
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