The difference between Mesh.uv and Mesh.SetUVs?

The difference between Mesh.uv and Mesh.SetUVs?

Bellow i will show you the difference between Mesh.uv and Mesh.SetUVs, and i will give you a C# exemple for each one.

 The difference 

Mesh.uv is a property of a Mesh object in Unity that represents the UV coordinates of the mesh. UV coordinates are used to map a texture onto a 3D mesh, and Mesh.uv is an array that contains the UV coordinates for each vertex in the mesh.

Mesh.SetUV is a method in the Unity Engine that sets the UV coordinates of a mesh. It takes in the index of the UV channel to modify, a list of UV coordinates, and an optional list of UV indices to specify which vertices the UV coordinates should be assigned to.

For example, to set the UV coordinates of a mesh with a single UV channel, the code could look like this:

void SetMeshUVs(Mesh mesh, List<Vector2> uvCoords)
mesh.SetUV(0, uvCoords);

To set the UV coordinates of a mesh with multiple UV channels, the code could look like this:

void SetMeshUVs(Mesh mesh, List<Vector2> uvCoords, List<int> uvIndices)
mesh.SetUV(0, uvCoords, uvIndices);

Mesh.SetUVs is a method of the Mesh class that is used to set the UV coordinates of a mesh. This method takes an array of UV coordinates as an argument, and sets the Mesh.uv property of the Mesh object to the specified UV coordinates.

The main difference between Mesh.uv and Mesh.SetUVs is that Mesh.uv is a property that contains the UV coordinates of a mesh, whereas Mesh.SetUVs is a method that is used to set the UV coordinates of a mesh. So, Mesh.uv is used to access the UV coordinates of a mesh, whereas Mesh.SetUVs is used to change the UV coordinates of a mesh.