How to use physics and raycasting in your Unity games

Physics and raycasting are two essential elements for creating interactive and realistic games with Unity. In this lessen, we will explain what physics and raycasting are, how to use them in your Unity projects and what are the pros and cons of these techniques.

What are physics and raycasting?

Physics is the set of rules that govern the behavior of objects in a virtual environment. For example, gravity, collisions, forces or rotations. Unity uses an integrated physics engine that allows you to simulate these effects easily by adding components such as Rigidbody or Collider to your objects.

Raycasting is a function of physics that projects a ray from an origin point in a given direction, and returns a boolean value if a target was successfully hit. When this happens, information about the hit, such as the distance, position or a reference to the object’s Transform, can be stored in a RaycastHit variable for further use.

How to use physics and raycasting in your Unity games

Physics and raycasting are two essential elements for creating interactive and realistic games with Unity. In this lessen, we will explain what physics and raycasting are, how to use them in your Unity projects and what are the pros and cons of these techniques.

What are physics and raycasting?

Physics is the set of rules that govern the behavior of objects in a virtual environment. For example, gravity, collisions, forces or rotations. Unity uses an integrated physics engine that allows you to simulate these effects easily by adding components such as Rigidbody or Collider to your objects.

Raycasting is a function of physics that projects a ray from an origin point in a given direction, and returns a boolean value if a target was successfully hit. When this happens, information about the hit, such as the distance, position or a reference to the object’s Transform, can be stored in a RaycastHit variable for further use.

How to add a Rigidbody or a Collider to your objects?

To use physics in your game, you need to add two components to your objects: Rigidbody and Collider. A Rigidbody is responsible for applying forces and torques to your object, making it move according to the laws of physics. A Collider is responsible for detecting collisions with other objects and preventing them from overlapping.

To add a Rigidbody or a Collider component to your object, select it in the Hierarchy window and click on Add Component button in the Inspector window. Then choose Physics > Rigidbody or Physics > Box Collider (or any other shape that suits your object). You can adjust some properties of these components such as mass, drag or size.

How to use raycasting in your scripts?

To use raycasting in your scripts, you need to call the static method Physics.Raycast() from the Physics class. This method has several overloads that allow you to specify different parameters such as origin point, direction, distance and layer mask of the ray. The origin point and direction are usually obtained from the Transform component of your object or camera. The distance is how far the ray will travel before stopping. The layer mask is a way to filter out some objects that you don’t want to hit with your ray.

For example, if you want to cast a ray from your camera to the mouse position and check if you hit an enemy object, you can use this code:

// Get the camera transform
Transform cam = Camera.main.transform;

// Get the mouse position in screen space
Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;

// Create a ray from the mouse position.
Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(mousePos);

// Create a variable to store the hit information
RaycastHit hit;

// Create a layer mask for the enemy layer
int layerMask = 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Enemy");

// Cast the ray and check if it hits something in the enemy layer
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, Mathf.Infinity, layerMask))
    // Do something with the hit object
    Debug.Log("You hit " +;

What are some examples of games that use physics and raycasting?

Physics and raycasting are very common techniques in game development, especially for genres such as shooters, platformers or puzzles. Some examples of games that use physics and raycasting are:

  • Angry Birds: This game uses physics to simulate the trajectory and impact of the birds when they are launched at the pigs’ structures.
  • Portal: This game uses raycasting to create portals on surfaces that allow the player to teleport between them.
  • Half-Life 2: This game uses physics and raycasting to create realistic weapons and environmental interactions such as gravity guns or physics puzzles.

What are the pros and cons of using physics and raycasting?

Using physics and raycasting can make your game more immersive, dynamic and fun. However, they also have some drawbacks that you should be aware of. Some of them are:

  • Performance: Physics and raycasting can be computationally expensive operations that can affect your game’s performance if used excessively or inefficiently. You should optimize your code by using caching, pooling or batching techniques whenever possible.
  • Accuracy: Physics and raycasting can sometimes produce unexpected or inaccurate results due to floating-point errors, rounding errors or numerical instability. You should use appropriate precision and tolerance values for your calculations and avoid using very small or very large numbers.
    • Complexity: Physics and raycasting can add complexity to your game logic and design. You should use them wisely and only when they are necessary for your gameplay. You should also test your game thoroughly to ensure that your physics and raycasting work as intended and do not cause any bugs or exploits.


    Physics and raycasting are powerful tools that can enhance your game development with Unity. They can help you create realistic and interactive games that engage your players. However, they also have some challenges that you need to overcome. You should use them carefully and optimize them for performance, accuracy and simplicity.

    We hope you enjoyed this blog lessen and learned something new about physics and raycasting in Unity. If you have any questions or feedback, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! 😊