Making it Move: Scripting a Rotating Square in Unity 3D

Making it Move: Scripting a Rotating Square in Unity 3D

Software: Unity 3D (any version)

Difficulty: Beginner

Let's get those squares spinning!

In this tutorial, we'll delve into the world of Unity scripting by creating a simple script that animates a rotating square. This is a fundamental exercise that lays the groundwork for understanding essential scripting concepts in Unity.


  1. Create a New Unity Project: Fire up Unity and create a new 3D project. Name it appropriately, like "RotatingSquareProject."

  2. Add a Cube to the Scene: In the Hierarchy window, navigate to the "Create" menu and select "3D Object" -> "Cube." This adds a basic cube to your scene, representing our soon-to-be-rotating square.

  3. Create a C# Script: Right-click within the "Assets" folder in the Project window and select "Create" -> "C# Script." Name your script "SquareRotator.cs."

  4. Attach the Script to the Cube: In the Hierarchy window, select the cube you created earlier. In the Inspector window (usually on the right side of the Unity interface), locate the "Inspector" component and click the small circle next to the script field. Navigate to your newly created script ("SquareRotator.cs") and select it. This attaches the script to your cube, enabling it to control the cube's behavior.

  5. Code the Script: Double-click on the "SquareRotator.cs" script in the Project window to open it within the Script Editor. Here's the code you'll need to implement:

using UnityEngine; public class SquareRotator : MonoBehaviour { public float rotationSpeed = 50f; // Adjust this value to control rotation speed void Update() { transform.Rotate(Vector3.up * rotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime); } }

Explanation of the Code:

  • We include the UnityEngine namespace at the beginning, as it provides essential classes for working within Unity.
  • We define a public variable named rotationSpeed. This variable controls how fast our cube rotates. You can adjust this value in the Inspector window to achieve your desired rotation speed.
  • We have a class named SquareRotator that inherits from MonoBehaviour. This allows our script to interact with Unity's game loop and update the object's behavior.
  • Inside the Update method, Unity calls this method every frame. This is where we implement the logic for rotating the cube.
  • We utilize the transform.Rotate method to rotate our cube object.
    • Vector3.up specifies the axis of rotation. In this case, we're rotating around the Y-axis (upward direction).
    • rotationSpeed determines the amount of rotation per frame.
    • Time.deltaTime ensures the rotation speed stays consistent across different frame rates, making the animation smoother.
  1. Save the Script: Save the changes you made to the script ("SquareRotator.cs").

  2. Run the Game: Click the "Play" button in the top toolbar to run your game. You should now see your cube rotating continuously in the scene!

Congratulations! You've successfully scripted a rotating square in Unity 3D. This is a stepping stone to more complex animations and interactions within your Unity games.

Additional Tips:

  • Experiment with different rotation speeds and axes (X, Y, or Z) to observe the variations in movement.
  • You can further customize the script by adding additional functionalities, such as changing the rotation direction or making the rotation speed fluctuate over time.
  • Explore Unity's vast documentation and online tutorials to delve deeper into scripting concepts and create more intricate animations and game mechanics.

By following these steps and exploring further, you'll be well on your way to mastering Unity scripting and bringing your game ideas to life!