How to Fix Unity Game Build Errors: Why Your Game Works in the Editor but Not After Building

How to Fix Unity Game Build Errors: Why Your Game Works in the Editor but Not After Building


Unity is a powerful game development engine, but like any tool, it's prone to various errors—particularly when it comes to building and deploying games. One common issue developers face is when their game runs perfectly in the Unity Editor but fails or behaves unexpectedly after being built. This problem can be frustrating, especially when no errors appear in the editor, and yet issues pop up during the build phase.

This article will walk you through the most common causes of Unity build errors and how to fix them.

Why Does the Game Fail After Building?

When building a game, Unity goes through a series of processes to compile scripts, assets, and other components. The environment between the Unity Editor and the built game can differ in several ways, including:

  1. Script Execution Order Differences:

    • In the Unity Editor, the order in which scripts run is often predictable, but this order can change in the final build. This can lead to scripts running before other dependent scripts have completed, causing Null Reference or logic errors.
  2. Missing Dependencies:

    • Sometimes, assets or scripts that work fine in the Editor may not be included in the build due to incorrect asset management. This might occur when relying on Editor-only scripts, which do not get bundled in the final game.
  3. Platform-Specific Code:

    • Certain code or assets may work for one platform (e.g., Windows), but when you try to build for another (like Android or iOS), they break because they're incompatible.

Steps to Fix Unity Game Build Errors

Here are practical solutions to common Unity build errors:

  1. Check Player Settings:

    • Navigate to File > Build Settings and review the platform-specific settings. Sometimes, certain settings like "Stripping Level" or platform-specific settings can cause issues. Adjust these based on the target platform and test.
  2. Adjust Script Execution Order:

    • Set a specific script execution order in Unity to prevent runtime errors. Go to Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order and ensure that critical scripts run at the right time (e.g., initialize essential game components before dependent scripts run).
  3. Examine Build Logs:

    • Unity's build process provides detailed logs. Check the Console window (Ctrl+Shift+C) or navigate to Window > Analysis > Profiler to view the logs and identify where errors occur.
  4. Fix Missing References:

    • Review your code for any references that might break outside the Editor, especially regarding Prefab connections, external libraries, or resource loading.
  5. Use Debugging Tools:

    • Add extra logging in your code to identify issues by using Debug.Log() in key areas where you suspect a problem. Build your game with the Development Build option enabled (in the Build Settings) to keep these logs active and visible during testing.
  6. Test Platform-Specific Builds:

    • Test your build on different platforms to ensure your game performs as expected. You may need to adjust some code or assets to make them compatible with the target platform.

Best Practices to Prevent Build Errors

  • Use Initialization Functions Carefully:

    • Avoid putting essential game logic in Update() or relying on it for initialization. Instead, place it in Start(), Awake(), or use event-driven mechanisms to trigger specific actions at the right time.
  • Check for Conditional Compilation:

    • Use #if UNITY_EDITOR to separate Editor-specific code from the build. This ensures that editor-only code doesn't get included in the final build, which might cause runtime errors.
  • Test Builds Frequently:

    • Don’t wait until the end of your project to build the game. Run builds frequently to catch errors earlier and solve them in small, manageable steps.
  • Package Management:

    • Ensure that all required packages are correctly imported. Sometimes package corruption or version mismatch can prevent successful builds. Re-import all packages if you suspect an issue (Assets > Reimport All).


Dealing with Unity build errors can be frustrating, especially when everything seems to work perfectly in the Editor. However, with a systematic approach—checking logs, adjusting script execution, testing across platforms, and monitoring build settings—you can fix most issues that arise.

If you consistently encounter build errors, make sure to test your game in different environments and maintain clean, platform-independent code to prevent future build issues. By following the tips mentioned in this guide, you can streamline your build process and ensure a smooth game release.

Keywords: Unity build error, Unity script execution order, Unity null reference error after build, platform-specific Unity code issues, Unity missing dependencies in build, how to fix Unity build errors.